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Fizzy Hand, col, whiter.jpg

Hi I'm Fiona, also know as "Fizzy", the nickname my Husband gave to me when we first met in 2001, then we both worked for a large supermarket in their warehouse, just different shifts, that changed and the rest is history. My husband and I actually met for the first time on my Mum's birthday, we got married in September 2006, another 30 day month. I made all the stationary for our wedding, which was time consuming, but I loved every minute of it.



In 2010 we were in a car accident which has left me with soft tissue damage to my lower back and also triggered Fibromyalgia, which is slowly but surely progressing. Despite this, I still manage to go to work for 3 days a week and the remaining 4 days a week, I put everything I've got left into Fizzy Redds Handcrafted.


We were given a wood lathe in 2017, which my husband and I loved using, then we found an X demonstration lathe, that was half the size and much easier for me to use, so then we had a lathe each. I hand turned most of the pen's on my smaller lathe, these are completed with kits that provide the metal work and the different ink cartridges. We both make table lights and candle holders, my Husband doing the electrics being a trained Electrician. I created Fizzy Redds Handcrafted in 2020 when I had to give up a day in work and the pandemic started! My Husband also known as "Redd" enjoys making the table lights, when we find good pieces of timber at an affordable price.



My Dad brought me up on the basis of "if a jobs worth doing, it's worth doing properly, or not at all" and I still live by that, great care and detail is put into every card, pen or keyring that I make, I would have to admit I find it easier to make cards when I'm making, for someone. My bespoke order's are better than any I have made just for stock items.


Without you the customers, Fizzy Redds would not exist, so I would like to say a big Thank You to all my customers and visitors, I hope to see you again soon.


I do the majority of the designing, making, and stock buying, however I do have some help in the background from my ever loving husband who does all the heavy lifting and carrying as well as the light electrics and our eldest Granddaughter who is very clever and creative. She comes around now and again to help me create and make goods. She has also helped me get to grips with shading, before her help, there was no shading, now I'm learning with great thanks to one of our wonderful Granddaughters.

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