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Fizzy Redds Handcrafted

Oak Candle holder for Jars
Fizzy Hand, col, whiter.jpg

My Collection

Welcome to my Web Site, It's nice to see you. I put my heart and sole into everything I make. I take great care to work in a clean and tidy environment, which is a challenge in the wood workshop. I make a large range of Unique Pens, fountain pens, and rollerballs. All great gifts or presents or just because you love it. My Rollerball pens are an experience to write with, and are available for a test write if you catch us at a market. I welcome any enquiries or requests, just use the contact button in the top menu. Our next market is on the 29th March 2025 at Usk town centre, I hope to see you there.

My Wood Turning

I got my first bench top lathe in July 2017. From there I have watched video's on YouTube and read books and practiced on cheap pieces of wood, old gate posts etc, until I could make something of beauty. Yes I know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, that's why even when pieces are not to my liking, I still put things up for sale, I recognise that I don't need to like everything, I just need one person to like a piece enough to buy it. That way I get a bit more money to buy another piece of wood to make another individual piece of work.

Handturning a Garden Dibber.

This is one of my early pieces, a garden dibber that I made as a thank you gift. It is basic, but I'm not sure garden dibbers need to be complicated or intricate? 01/06/21

This is a later progression, where I have been practicing with a skew chisel, this is exactly what it sounds like, a flat chisel with a skew wiff top. its still not perfected, but a good progression from the beginning. 17/07/21

Handturning a candle holder
Perfect Gift a unique Table light

This is the most recent table lamp, still a work in progress. The curves are not yet finished and the lower part of the lamp has not yet been started, 17/12/21

This is a more recent table lamp, curves are smoother, lines more defined. I still have a lot to learn, I know that only too well. 05/08/21

A table light on the lath and in progress
Elegant Table light with Vintage globe bulb

This is the finished light with a large Vintage light bulb included and a long white cable and inline switch. 11/01/22

This is the very first pen I ever made in September 2017.

Pens of all Shapes, Sizes and types.

This video demonstrate how to turn a pen barrel on a small worktop lathe. The pen barrel belongs to the Rollerball of many colours, this time made from Walnut wood. October 2021

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© 2020 Fizzy Redds Handcrafted

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